Privacy policy
Privacy policy
With respect to the handling of personal information obtained by the Company, we shall comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, guidelines and other guidelines concerning the protection of personal information, and other relevant laws and regulations concerning the protection of personal information.
Acquisition of Personal Information
We will acquire personal information through legal and fair means.
Use of Personal Information
We will use personal information within the following scope and to the extent necessary for the performance of our business.
- Response to inquiries
- We will provide information on events, exhibitions, etc., and respond to the operation of such events, exhibitions, etc.
- We will provide information on products and services, and confirm and contact customers as necessary to provide products and services.
- We will manage and provide information to shareholders as required by the Companies Act, etc.
- We will provide information on recruitment and other matters to applicants for employment, and employment selection
- We will provide purposes of use as indicated at the time of acquisition.
Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
We will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties except in the following cases
- When we have obtained the prior consent of the individual to disclose his/her personal information
- When we provide or disclose personal information to subcontractors to the extent necessary to carry out the purpose of use
- When there is a legitimate reason, such as when disclosure is required by law.
Safe Management of Personal Information
We will appropriately manage personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use and take appropriate information security measures against unauthorized access, computer viruses, etc. to prevent the loss, destruction, falsification, or leakage of personal information.
Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, Deletion, etc. of Personal Information
With respect to the protection of personal information, we will implement appropriate organizational, physical, personnel, and technical measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal information handled by us and take other necessary and appropriate measures for the safe management of personal information.
Disposal of Personal Information
With respect to personal information in our possession, we will promptly respond to requests for notification of the purpose of use of personal information, or for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, deletion, etc. of the content of personal information by the person in question or his/her representative, in accordance with the provisions of the law.